Source code for

from ..abstract import ClientAbstract

__all__ = ["Management"]

[docs] class Management(ClientAbstract): _endpoint1 = "management" @property def Account(self) -> "_Account": """ >>> from jelastic import Jelastic >>> jelastic = Jelastic('', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f') >>> Ref:!/api/management.Account """ return _Account( session=self._session, token=self._token, debug=self._debug, ruk=self._ruk, )
class _Account(Management): """ Ref:!/api/management.Account """ _endpoint2 = "account" def AddPrivateSSHKey( self, title: str, ssh_key: str, ruk: str = None, ): """ :param title: title of the ssh key. :param sshKey: value of the ssh key. """ return self._get( "AddPrivateSSHKey", params={ "title": title, "sshKey": ssh_key, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def AddPublicSSHKey( self, title: str, ssh_key: str, ruk: str = None, ): """ :param title: title of the ssh key. :param sshKey: value of the ssh key. """ return self._get( "AddPublicSSHKey", params={ "title": title, "sshKey": ssh_key, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def AddSSHKey( self, title: str, ssh_key: str, is_private: bool, ruk: str = None, ): """ :param title: title of the ssh key. :param sshKey: value of the ssh key. """ return self._get( "AddSSHKey", params={ "title": title, "sshKey": ssh_key, "isPrivate": is_private, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def AdjustContainersLimitsForAllUsers( self, ruk: str = None, ): return self._get( "AdjustContainersLimitsForAllUsers", params={ "ruk": ruk, }, ) def CleanQuotasCache( self, uid: int, ruk: str = None, ): return self._get( "CleanQuotasCache", params={ "uid": uid, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def DeleteSSHKey( self, id: int, ruk: str = None, ): """ :param id: unique identifier of the ssh key. """ return self._get( "DeleteSSHKey", params={ "id": id, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def GetQuotasByIpAddress( self, ip_address: str, quotasnames: str, ruk: str = None, ): return self._get( "GetQuotasByIpAddress", params={ "ipAddress": ip_address, "quotasnames": quotasnames, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def GetSSHKeys( self, is_private: bool, ruk: str = None, ): """ :param isPrivate: defines whether to return the account's private (true) or public (false) SSH keys. """ return self._get( "GetSSHKeys", params={ "isPrivate": is_private, "ruk": ruk, }, ) def GetSSHKeysInner( self, uid: int, ruk: str = None, ): """ :param uid: unique identifier of the user (key owner). """ return self._get( "GetSSHKeysInner", params={ "uid": uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )