
class jelastic.api.s3.S3(session: Session, token: str, debug: bool = False, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ClientAbstract

>>> from jelastic import Jelastic
>>> jelastic = Jelastic('https://app.xapp.cloudmydc.com', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f')
>>> jelastic.s3

Ref: https://docs.jelastic.com/api/private/#!/api/s3

property Account: _Account

Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff

>>> from jelastic import Jelastic
>>> jelastic = Jelastic('https://app.xapp.cloudmydc.com', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f')
>>> jelastic.s3.Account

Ref: https://docs.jelastic.com/api/private/#!/api/s3.Account

property Bucket: _Bucket

Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff

>>> from jelastic import Jelastic
>>> jelastic = Jelastic('https://app.xapp.cloudmydc.com', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f')
>>> jelastic.s3.Bucket

Ref: https://docs.jelastic.com/api/private/#!/api/s3.Bucket

class jelastic.api.s3._Account(session: Session, token: str, debug: bool = False, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: S3

Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff

Ref: https://docs.jelastic.com/api/private/#!/api/s3.Account

Create(host_group: str, name: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Creates a new S3 account.

  • host_group – unique name of the target host group.

  • name – a name of the account to be created.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the S3 account owner.

Delete(host_group: str, name: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Deletes an S3 account.

  • host_group – unique name of the target host group.

  • name – a name of the account to be deleted.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the S3 account owner.

GenerateKey(host_group: str, name: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Generates a new key for an S3 account.

  • host_group – unique name of the target host group.

  • name – a name of the account to be updated.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the S3 account owner.

GetKeys(owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Returns the list of accounts together with keys for each available S3 cluster.


owner_uid – unique identifier of the S3 account owner.

RegenerateKeys(host_group: str, acc_key: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Regenerates the target key pair by access key.

  • host_group – unique name of the target host group.

  • acc_key – access key that should be regenerated.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the S3 account owner.

RevokeKey(host_group: str, acc_key: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Revokes the target key to the S3 account for the current user.

  • host_group – unique name of the target host group.

  • acc_key – access key that should be revoked.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the S3 account owner.

class jelastic.api.s3._Bucket(session: Session, token: str, debug: bool = False, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: S3

Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff

Ref: https://docs.jelastic.com/api/private/#!/api/s3.Bucket

CopyObject(src_bucket_name: str, src_key: str, dest_bucket_name: str, dest_key: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Copies an object from one bucket to another.

  • src_bucket_name – name of the source bucket.

  • src_key – unique identifier of the source object key.

  • dest_bucket_name – name of the target bucket.

  • dest_key – unique identifier of the target object key.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

Create(bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Creates a new bucket in the storage.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket to be created.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

Delete(bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Deletes a bucket from the storage.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket to be deleted.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

DeleteObject(bucket_name: str, key: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Removes an object from the bucket.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket.

  • key – unique identifier of the object key.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

DeletePolicy(bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Removes bucket policy.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

GetPolicy(bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Returns a list of bucket policies.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

GetPresignedURL(bucket_name: str, key: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Returns a link to the bucket.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket.

  • key – unique identifier of the object key.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

List(owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Returns a list of buckets in the storage.


owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

ListObjects(bucket_name: str, host_group: str, prefix: str | None = None, continuation_token: str | None = None, delimiter: str = ',', max_keys: int = 100, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Returns a list of objects in a bucket.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • prefix – filters response to objects that start with the provided string.

  • continuation_token – custom token to indicate that the list continues on the same bucket.

  • delimiter – custom string to divide separate object records.

  • max_keys – the maximum number of objects returned in the response.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.

SetPolicy(bucket_name: str, host_group: str, policy: str, owner_uid: int | None = None, ruk: str | None = None)[source]

Replaces existing bucket policies with the provided value.

  • bucket_name – name of the bucket.

  • host_group – unique identifier of the target host group.

  • policy – S3 policies to specify permissions for each resource to allow or deny actions requested by user or role.

  • owner_uid – unique identifier of the bucket owner.