Source code for jelastic.api.s3

from ..abstract import ClientAbstract

__all__ = ["S3"]

[docs] class S3(ClientAbstract): """ >>> from jelastic import Jelastic >>> jelastic = Jelastic('', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f') >>> jelastic.s3 Ref:!/api/s3 """ _endpoint1 = "s3" @property def Account(self) -> "_Account": """ Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff >>> from jelastic import Jelastic >>> jelastic = Jelastic('', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f') >>> jelastic.s3.Account Ref:!/api/s3.Account """ return _Account( session=self._session, token=self._token, debug=self._debug, ruk=self._ruk, ) @property def Bucket(self) -> "_Bucket": """ Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff >>> from jelastic import Jelastic >>> jelastic = Jelastic('', token='d6f4e314a5b5fefd164995169f28ae32d987704f') >>> jelastic.s3.Bucket Ref:!/api/s3.Bucket """ return _Bucket( session=self._session, token=self._token, debug=self._debug, ruk=self._ruk, )
[docs] class _Account(S3): """ Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff Ref:!/api/s3.Account """ _endpoint2 = "account"
[docs] def Create( self, host_group: str, name: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Creates a new S3 account. :param host_group: unique name of the target host group. :param name: a name of the account to be created. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the S3 account owner. """ return self._get( "Create", params={ "hostGroup": host_group, "name": name, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def Delete( self, host_group: str, name: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Deletes an S3 account. :param host_group: unique name of the target host group. :param name: a name of the account to be deleted. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the S3 account owner. """ return self._get( "Delete", params={ "hostGroup": host_group, "name": name, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def GenerateKey( self, host_group: str, name: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Generates a new key for an S3 account. :param host_group: unique name of the target host group. :param name: a name of the account to be updated. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the S3 account owner. """ return self._get( "GenerateKey", params={ "hostGroup": host_group, "name": name, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def GetKeys( self, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Returns the list of accounts together with keys for each available S3 cluster. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the S3 account owner. """ return self._get( "GetKeys", params={ "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def RegenerateKeys( self, host_group: str, acc_key: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Regenerates the target key pair by access key. :param host_group: unique name of the target host group. :param acc_key: access key that should be regenerated. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the S3 account owner. """ return self._get( "RegenerateKeys", params={ "hostGroup": host_group, "accKey": acc_key, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def RevokeKey( self, host_group: str, acc_key: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Revokes the target key to the S3 account for the current user. :param host_group: unique name of the target host group. :param acc_key: access key that should be revoked. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the S3 account owner. """ return self._get( "RevokeKey", params={ "hostGroup": host_group, "accKey": acc_key, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] class _Bucket(S3): """ Service provides an interface for managing S3 stuff Ref:!/api/s3.Bucket """ _endpoint2 = "bucket"
[docs] def CopyObject( self, src_bucket_name: str, src_key: str, dest_bucket_name: str, dest_key: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Copies an object from one bucket to another. :param src_bucket_name: name of the source bucket. :param src_key: unique identifier of the source object key. :param dest_bucket_name: name of the target bucket. :param dest_key: unique identifier of the target object key. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "CopyObject", params={ "srcBucketName": src_bucket_name, "srcKey": src_key, "dstBucketName": dest_bucket_name, "dstKey": dest_key, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def Create( self, bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Creates a new bucket in the storage. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket to be created. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "Create", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def Delete( self, bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Deletes a bucket from the storage. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket to be deleted. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "Delete", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def DeleteObject( self, bucket_name: str, key: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Removes an object from the bucket. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param key: unique identifier of the object key. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "DeleteObject", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "key": key, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def DeletePolicy( self, bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Removes bucket policy. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "DeletePolicy", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def GetPolicy( self, bucket_name: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Returns a list of bucket policies. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "GetPolicy", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def GetPresignedURL( self, bucket_name: str, key: str, host_group: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Returns a link to the bucket. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param key: unique identifier of the object key. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "GetPresignedURL", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "key": key, "hostGroup": host_group, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def List( self, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Returns a list of buckets in the storage. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "List", params={ "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def ListObjects( self, bucket_name: str, host_group: str, prefix: str = None, continuation_token: str = None, delimiter: str = ",", max_keys: int = 100, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Returns a list of objects in a bucket. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param prefix: filters response to objects that start with the provided string. :param continuation_token: custom token to indicate that the list continues on the same bucket. :param delimiter: custom string to divide separate object records. :param max_keys: the maximum number of objects returned in the response. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "ListObjects", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "hostGroup": host_group, "prefix": prefix, "continuationToken": continuation_token, "delimiter": delimiter, "maxKeys": max_keys, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )
[docs] def SetPolicy( self, bucket_name: str, host_group: str, policy: str, owner_uid: int = None, ruk: str = None, ): """ Replaces existing bucket policies with the provided value. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param host_group: unique identifier of the target host group. :param policy: S3 policies to specify permissions for each resource to allow or deny actions requested by user or role. :param owner_uid: unique identifier of the bucket owner. """ return self._get( "SetPolicy", params={ "bucketName": bucket_name, "hostGroup": host_group, "policy": policy, "ownerUid": owner_uid, "ruk": ruk, }, )